Belt Grades

BeltsJudo uses a progression system to promote participants who have attained specific skill and knowledge proficiencies.  This progression is tracked using different colours of belts. The progression system is divided in two:

Kyu Grades (White to Brown)

The Kyu grades are White, White-Yellow, Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Orange-Green, Green, Green-Blue, Blue, Blue-Brown & Brown.  These levels are designed to progressively learn the judo techniques and culture.  The Kyu grades are defined in the Kyu Grading Syllabusand are managed by the clubs throughout Canada.



Dan Ranks (Black)

The Dan ranks include the 10 degrees of the Black belt: Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Rokudan, Shichidan, Hachidan, Kudan & Judan.  These levels are designed to perfect judo techniques and to help develop the culture.  The Dan ranks are defined in the Dan Grading Syllabus and are managed by the Provincial/Territorial Grading Boards as well as Judo Canada’s Grading Board.



In Club Grading–  There is no specific time for grading, it is based on each individual at the discretion of the Sensei